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Analogy generator

Generate a simple analogy for your product or service that will help clarify your message.

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Pciture of The Analogy Generator from Umault
simplify your message

With this analogy generator, you’ll be able to:


Better explain

Help your sales and marketing team clearly explain your value proposition.


Entice prospects

Create a memorable word picture that describes what your company does.


Boost empathy

Boost empathy with potential customers using a “customer problem” analogy.


Be more relatable

Craft an easy-to-understand analogy that anyone can relate to.


Be more efficient

Reduce the time you spend explaining and increase the time you spend having conversations with customers.


Uncover new insights

Sometimes just putting yourself in your customer's shoes uncovers new insights you never realized. This generator helps in that!

Pciture of The Analogy Generator from Umault

Get the analogy generator from Umault

One of the best ways to simplify your message is to develop a really memorable analogy that illustrates either your client’s problem, your solution, or both!